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Payment API {process} Payout

The payout processing API lets the merchant send the funds from a specified merchant account to the customer's card.

{danger.fa-exclamation} IMPORTANT: Sometimes transaction_id (PSP transaction identifier) is empty, this may happen in due to input validation.


Name URL


Variable Type Description
amount int(20) Required. Payment amount in cents.
Please note: for certain currencies (see full list here) there is a fraction other than 100 cents per unit, this is important if you multiply by 100 to send the amount in cents
currency varchar(10) Required. Payment currency
card_number varchar(19) Required. Payment card number (PAN)
card_exp varchar(8) Required. Payment card expiration month/year in format MM/YYYY (ex. 12/2024)
pin varchar(50) Required. Unique customer id in your system
dob date Required. Date of birth of the customer. MM/DD/YYYY format accepted.
email varchar(50) Required. Customer's email
phone int(20) Required. Numeric only, includes country area code. Should not be a dummy sequence like 123456 or 111111, should be at least 6 digits long.
requester_ip varchar(10) Required. Customer's IP address
address varchar(100) Required. Customer's address
city varchar(50) Required. City of the customer
country varchar(2) Required. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (US, MT, IT, GB, DE etc)
first_name varchar(25) Required. Customer's first name
last_name varchar(25) Required. Customer's last name
state varchar(2) Required. State/Province where the customer resides. 2 characters ISO format. Otherwise leave blank.
zip varchar(12) Required. Postal Code of the customer. Can provide values for other countries. Limited to 12 alphanumeric characters only.
frontend varchar(256) Required. Cashier FrontEnd name, normally it is a common name of the website. Linked to a specific base currency.
merchant_id varchar(50) Required. Merchant API client account identifier
return_url varchar(256) Required. User will be redirected to a specified URL upon 3D Secure confirmation (in case of 3D Secure flow)
notification_url varchar(256) Required. URL to which the deposit status notification will be sent
order_id varchar(50) Required. Transaction identifier in your system
transaction_type varchar(8) Required. Transaction type. Must be set to payout for payout to customer's card
gateway varchar(32) Required. Gateway doing the processing
timestamp int(11) Required. Request time. URL will be active during 1 min after this time
version varchar(3) Required. API version
signature varchar(96) Required. Request signature. Please refer to How to Build Signature for details on signing the request.


Variable Type Description
status int Required.
- 0 if the request was successful
- Negative integer if internal server/network error occurs
- Positive integer if application/logical error occurs
description varchar(256) Required. Accurate description of the result. Return the actual error for any exception as it helps to diagnose issues in production
trace_id int(11) Required. Transaction identifier in
transaction_id varchar(50) Required. Transaction identifier in PSP
transaction_status varchar(16) Required.
- pending - processing initiated, final response expected from PSP
- approved - processing was successful
- declined (obsolete) - processing failed
- rejected - processing failed
- cancelled - processing cancelled by the merchant or client
- error - processing or configuration error
payment_processor varchar(25) Optional. Gateway doing the processing
error_code varchar(32) Optional. Error code for rejected transactions
error_details varchar(256) Optional. Error description for rejected transactions
version varchar(3) Required. API version
signature varchar(96) Required. sha384 HASH code of response (same algorithm as request signature)


For example below: Merchant Secret = "MerchantSecretKey"


curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "address":"Avenue 51/2",
    "city":"New York",
    "email":"[email protected]",
    "frontend":"Integration TEST USD",

Response (Approved)

    "error_details":"[TEST] Transaction status: approved",

Response (Declined)

    "error_details":"[TEST] Transaction status: declined",

You are currently viewing version 3.3 Latest version here