The Token Processing API lets you process the deposits and payouts over REST API using the tokens for customer and payment details. The benefit of this API method is that you will not need to pass any sensitive information over API, neither you need to collect that information from customer.
There are several transaction types supported by the API:
- {authorization} lets you receive the card payments from customers;
- {sale} lets you receive the card payments from customers;
- {payout} is a fund transfer from your merchant account to customer's card;
successful deposit;
In addition, the following webhooks are available in order to stay up-to-date with the updates asynchronously:
- Notification will be triggered each time that the
transaction status changes;
{danger.fa-exclamation} IMPORTANT #1: Direct API does not support conversion, meaning that filter currency and processing currency must always match. It means the currency sent to Praxis within the Direct API sale, payout or refund call will be the same currency as we send to PSPs for processing.
We are using Cryptocurrency Prices, Portfolio, Forum, Rankings for crypto currencies, and Open Exchange Rates for FIAT currencies. The rates information is updated every 15 minutes for Crypto and every 5 minutes for FIAT.
Name | URL |
Sandbox (PraxisGate) | https://pci-gw-test.praxispay.com/api/direct-process |
Live (PraxisGate) | https://gw.praxisgate.com/api/direct-process |
If your CRM does not technically support two domains as the endpoints, the solution is to use one domain intead for any API calls. Sandbox: https://pci-gw-test.praxispay.com, Live: https://gw.praxisgate.com
E.g. For Live: you need to use https://gw.praxisgate.com to substitute https://gateway.praxispay.com,
as a result - https://gw.praxisgate.com/cashier/cashier.
✓ - required value
? - optional, value or null
✕ - always appears as null
Variable | Type | auth | sale | payout | Description |
merchant_id | varchar(50) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Merchant API client account identifier |
application_key | varchar(32) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Identifier of your application (website) |
transaction_type | varchar(32) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Transaction type. Allowed values are: - authorization for authorization (allocate funds for later capture) - sale for payment - payout for payout (CFT) |
bdcc | int(1) | ? | ? | ✕ | Background dynamic currency conversion. Allowed values are: - 1 is enabled - 0 is disabled (default) Note #1: This parameter can be used to decide how to process given prior knowledge of the gateways available for processing and bdcc support for each, by using it in conjunction with get-available-gateways API Note #2: This option is only supported for cascade and cannot be used in conjunction with specifying a gateway (hash). in case of using a gateway hash, please specify a supported processing currency. you can use the get-available-gateways API to determine supported currencies. |
currency | varchar(10) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Transaction currency |
amount | int(20) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Transaction amount in cents. Please note: for certain currencies (see full list here) there is a fraction other than 100 cents per unit, this is important if you multiply by 100 to send the amount in cents |
card_token | varchar(32) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | HASH value of customer's card. Should not be included for Subsequent MIT requests. |
mit | <Object> | ? | ? | ✕ | MIT object will contain the list of settings for processing merchant-initiated transactions (MIT). |
cvv_encrypted | varchar(32) | ✓ | ✓ | ✕ | Card security code encrypted with aes-256-cbc, algorithm for encryption - Card Data (Encrypted) |
device_data | <Object> | ? | ? | ? | Device data object |
cid | varchar(50) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Unique customer id in your system. Note: Personally Identifiable Information such as an e-mail address are strictly forbidden; if your user identifier contains such PII you must hash/encrypt it before sending it to Praxis. |
locale | varchar(5) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | User locale. See locales reference for the full list of supported locales |
customer_token | varchar(32) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | HASH value of customer's identity |
gateway | varchar(32) | ? | ? | ✓ | Gateway doing the processing |
notification_url | varchar(256) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | URL to which the deposit status notification will be sent |
return_url | varchar(256) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | User will be redirected to a specified URL (relevant for cashier login, virtual terminal, 3D Secure and E-Wallet login redirect) |
order_id | varchar(50) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Transaction identifier in your system |
withdrawal_request_id | int(11) | ✕ | ✕ | ? | Original transaction identifier from . Send the tid of withdrawal request if you want the payout amount to be deducted from withdrawal request as processed |
variable1 | varchar(256) | ? | ? | ? | Your custom field to tag the transaction with some necessary information |
variable2 | varchar(256) | ? | ? | ? | Your custom field to tag the transaction with some necessary information |
variable3 | varchar(256) | ? | ? | ? | Your custom field to tag the transaction with some necessary information |
version | varchar(3) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | API version |
timestamp | int(11) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Request time (unix timestamp, seconds) |
Variable | Type | Description | |
status | int | ✓ | API communication status - for transaction processing status please refer to transaction.transaction.status - 0 if the request was successful - Negative integer if internal server/network error occurs - Positive integer if application/logical error occurs |
description | varchar(256) | ✓ | Accurate description of the result. Return the actual error for any exception as it helps to diagnose issues in production |
redirect_url | varchar(256) | ? | 3D Secure verification URL or e-wallet login URL. Appears only in combination with "transaction_status" :"initialized" |
customer | <Object> | ✓ | Customer object |
session | <Object> | ✓ | Session object |
transaction | <Object> | ✓ | Transaction object |
version | varchar(3) | ✓ | API version |
timestamp | int(11) | ✓ | Response time (unix timestamp, seconds) |
The full signature generation algorithm can be found in the Authentication section.
Request signature parameters
Response signature parameters
"merchant_id": "Test-Integration-Merchant",
"application_key": "Sandbox",
"transaction_type": "sale",
"currency": "EUR",
"amount": 100,
"card_token": "J-4-a0vPhjZ9R75JP98VDUFgbh9y8sYr",
"cvv_encrypted": "V4tcWxPLaNA0emSKPsObnw==",
"device_data": {
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.1.1 Safari/605.1.15",
"accept_header": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
"language": "en-us",
"ip_address": "",
"timezone_offset": -180,
"color_depth": "24",
"pixel_depth": "24",
"pixel_ratio": "2",
"screen_height": 900,
"screen_width": 1440,
"viewport_height": 400,
"viewport_width": 1440,
"java_enabled": 0,
"javascript_enabled": 1
"mit": {
"type": "initial",
"expiry": 365
"cid": "1",
"locale": "en-GB",
"customer_token": "87cfb23a8f1e68e162c276b754d9c061",
"gateway": "s-pTSZyK23E1Ee5KZpcNbX_aFl0HuhQ0",
"notification_url": "https:\/\/api.merchant.com\/v1\/deposits\/tx-1560610955",
"return_url": "https:\/\/merchant.com\/payment_result\/tx-1560610955",
"order_id": "test-1560610955",
"withdrawal_request_id": null,
"variable1": "your variable",
"variable2": "if that is not enough, you can pass even one more variable",
"variable3": null,
"version": "1.3",
"timestamp": 1590611635
"status": 0,
"description": "Ok",
"redirect_url": "https:\/\/compute.praxispay.com\/login\/8a7sd87a8sd778ac961062c6bedddb8",
"customer": {
"customer_token": "87cfb23a8f1e68e162c276b754d9c061",
"country": "GB",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Johnson",
"avs_alert": 0,
"verification_alert": 0
"session": {
"auth_token": "8a7sd87a8sd778ac961062c6bedddb8",
"intent": "payment",
"session_status": "created",
"order_id": "test-1560610955",
"currency": "EUR",
"amount": 100,
"conversion_rate": 1.000000,
"processed_currency": "EUR",
"processed_amount": 100,
"payment_method": "Credit Card",
"gateway": null,
"cid": "1",
"variable1": "your variable",
"variable2": "if that is not enough, you can pass even one more variable",
"variable3": null
"transaction": {
"transaction_type": "sale",
"transaction_status": "initialized",
"tid": 756850,
"transaction_id": "13348",
"currency": "EUR",
"amount": 100,
"conversion_rate": null,
"processed_currency": null,
"processed_amount": null,
"fee": 0,
"fee_included": 0,
"fee_type": "flat",
"payment_method": "Credit Card",
"payment_processor": "TestCardProcessor",
"gateway": "s-pTSZyK23E1Ee5KZpcNbX_aFl0HuhQ0",
"card": {
"card_token": "J-4-a0vPhjZ9R75JP98VDUFgbh9y8sYr",
"card_type": "VISA",
"card_number": "411111******1111",
"card_exp": "12\/2024",
"card_issuer_name": "Bank of Somewhere",
"card_issuer_country": "GB"
"mit": {
"type": "initial",
"expiry": 365
"wallet": null,
"is_async": 1,
"is_cascade": 0,
"cascade_level": 0,
"reference_id": null,
"withdrawal_request_id": null,
"account_identifier": null,
"created_by": "INTERNET",
"edited_by": "INTERNET",
"status_code": "SC-001",
"status_details": "Redirect to acquirer page"
"version": "1.3",
"timestamp": 1590611635
"status": 0,
"description": "Ok",
"redirect_url": null,
"customer": {
"customer_token": "87cfb23a8f1e68e162c276b754d9c061",
"country": "GB",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Johnson",
"avs_alert": 0,
"verification_alert": 0
"session": {
"auth_token": "8a7sd87a8sd778ac961062c6bedddb8",
"intent": "payment",
"session_status": "created",
"order_id": "test-1560610955",
"currency": "EUR",
"amount": 100,
"conversion_rate": 1.000000,
"processed_currency": "EUR",
"processed_amount": 100,
"payment_method": "Credit Card",
"gateway": null,
"cid": "1",
"variable1": "your variable",
"variable2": "if that is not enough, you can pass even one more variable",
"variable3": null
"transaction": {
"transaction_type": "sale",
"transaction_status": "approved",
"tid": 756850,
"transaction_id": "13348",
"currency": "EUR",
"amount": 100,
"conversion_rate": 1.000000,
"processed_currency": "EUR",
"processed_amount": 100,
"fee": 0,
"fee_included": 0,
"fee_type": "flat",
"payment_method": "Credit Card",
"payment_processor": "TestCardProcessor",
"gateway": "s-pTSZyK23E1Ee5KZpcNbX_aFl0HuhQ0",
"card": {
"card_token": "J-4-a0vPhjZ9R75JP98VDUFgbh9y8sYr",
"card_type": "VISA",
"card_number": "411111******1111",
"card_exp": "12\/2024",
"card_issuer_name": "Bank of Somewhere",
"card_issuer_country": "GB"
"mit": {
"type": "initial",
"expiry": 365
"wallet": null,
"is_async": 0,
"is_cascade": 0,
"cascade_level": 0,
"reference_id": null,
"withdrawal_request_id": null,
"account_identifier": null,
"created_by": "INTERNET",
"edited_by": "INTERNET",
"status_code": "SC-002",
"status_details": "Transaction approved"
"version": "1.3",
"timestamp": 1590611635
"status": 0,
"description": "Ok",
"redirect_url": null,
"customer": {
"customer_token": "87cfb23a8f1e68e162c276b754d9c061",
"country": "GB",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Johnson",
"avs_alert": 0,
"verification_alert": 0
"session": {
"auth_token": "8a7sd87a8sd778ac961062c6bedddb8",
"intent": "payment",
"session_status": "created",
"order_id": "test-1560610955",
"currency": "EUR",
"amount": 100,
"conversion_rate": 1.000000,
"processed_currency": "EUR",
"processed_amount": 100,
"payment_method": "Credit Card",
"gateway": null,
"cid": "1",
"variable1": "your variable",
"variable2": "if that is not enough, you can pass even one more variable",
"variable3": null
"transaction": {
"transaction_type": "sale",
"transaction_status": "rejected",
"tid": 756850,
"transaction_id": "13348",
"currency": "EUR",
"amount": 100,
"conversion_rate": null,
"processed_currency": null,
"processed_amount": null,
"fee": 0,
"fee_included": 0,
"fee_type": "flat",
"payment_method": "Credit Card",
"payment_processor": "TestCardProcessor",
"gateway": "s-pTSZyK23E1Ee5KZpcNbX_aFl0HuhQ0",
"card": null,
"wallet": null,
"is_async": 0,
"is_cascade": 0,
"cascade_level": 0,
"reference_id": null,
"withdrawal_request_id": null,
"account_identifier": null,
"created_by": "INTERNET",
"edited_by": "INTERNET",
"status_code": "GE-001",
"status_details": "Do not honor"
"version": "1.3",
"timestamp": 1590611635