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Objects Transaction


{danger.fa-exclamation} IMPORTANT #1: The transaction and session amounts may change during processing. More information can be found here: Understanding Amonts

{danger.fa-exclamation} IMPORTANT #2: In order to have the "redirect_url" property appearing under transaction object, you will need to reach out to our support - requesting to enable the "Notifications for the delayed processing via Direct API" setting.

{danger.fa-exclamation} IMPORTANT #3: redirect_url will be supplied when 3d is required and when the transaction is in initialized state

✓ - required value
? - optional, value or null
✕ - always appears as null

Variable Type auth (card) sale (card) payout (card) refund (card) auth (ew) sale (ew) payout (ew) refund (ew) Description
transaction_type varchar(16) Transaction type. Allowed values are:
authorization (authorization and capture)
sale (deposit)
payout (withdrawal)
refund (return deposit funds)
transaction_status varchar(16) Transaction status will change along with processing. Details can be found at transaction flow
tid int(11) transaction identifier
transaction_id varchar(50) ? ? PSP transaction identifier
currency varchar(3) Transaction currency
amount int(20) Transaction amount in cents.
Please note: for certain currencies (see full list here) there is a fraction other than 100 cents per unit, this is important if you multiply by 100 to send the amount in cents
conversion_rate varchar(30) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Conversion rate between currency and processed_currency applied during conversion from amont to processed_amount. Applies to successful transactions. The value is calculated as 1 processed_currency / 1 currency = conversion_rate
processed_currency varchar(3) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Actual currency processed. Applies to successful transactions. In Direct API processed_currency must match currency (transaction currency)
processed_amount int(20) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Amount (in actual processing currency) in cents. Applies to successful transactions.
Please note: for certain currencies (see full list here) there is a fraction other than 100 cents per unit, this is important if you multiply by 100 to send the amount in cents
spread_currency varchar(3) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Currency from fx rate spread settings
spread_amount int(20) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The calculated amount that was subtracted from the total.
Please note: for certain currencies (see full list here) there is a fraction other than 100 cents per unit, this is important if you multiply by 100 to send the amount in cents
fee int(20) Transaction fee based on the gateway settings
fee_included int(1) Whether fee is included in the amount specified by customer within cashier or specified by the website in the cashier (VT) login call
fee_type varchar(32) Can be either "flat" (flat fee amount) or "percent" (percent of the transaction amount)
payment_method varchar(50) Payment method
payment_processor varchar(50) Payment processor
gateway varchar(32) HASH value of gateway that should processed transaction
card <Object> Tokenized card object
wallet <Object> Tokenized wallet object
is_async int Credit card - indicates if the transaction processing involves the 3DSecure verification
- 0 for synchronous flow (non-3D Secure)
- 1 for asynchronous flow (3D Secure)
is_cascade int(1) Shows whether a transaction is processed with first attempt (0) or upon cascade (1)
cascade_level int(2) Transaction retry number (in case of soft decline or network/application error during communication with PSP)
reference_id int(11) In case of refund, this value specifies the ID of transaction to be refunded
withdrawal_request_id int(11) ? ? ? ? Original transaction identifier from . Use the tid of withdrawal request as withddrawal_request_id within the payout or refund if you want the payout amount to be deducted from withdrawal request as processed
created_by varchar(50) Transaction initiator. Customer's activity is reflected with INTERNET, otherwise equals the name of the compliance or support agent
edited_by varchar(50) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Transaction modified by. Customer's activity is reflected with INTERNET, otherwise equals the name of the compliance or support agent
status_code varchar(32) Processing status code (including processing and error codes)
status_details varchar(256) Verbal description of the processing status
mit varchar(128) ? ? MIT object contains the list of settings for processing merchant-initiated transactions (MIT). The object is sent within notification only if MIT flow is used. Details can be found at the MIT object page.
redirect_url varchar(256) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? In order to have the "redirect_url" property appearing under transaction object, you will need to reach out to our support - requesting to enable the "Notifications for the delayed processing via Direct API" setting.
Please note: info that application may always include redirect_url attribute (empty or having the value) if requested from our support


    "transaction_type": "sale",
    "transaction_status": "approved",
    "tid": 756850,
    "transaction_id": "13348",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": 100,
    "conversion_rate": 1.000000,
    "processed_currency": "EUR",
    "processed_amount": 100,
    "fee": 0,
    "fee_incided": 0,
    "fee_type": "flat",
    "payment_method": "Credit Card",
    "payment_processor": "TestCardProcessor",
    "gateway": "s-pTSZyK23E1Ee5KZpcNbX_aFl0HuhQ0",
    "card": {
        "card_token": "J-4-a0vPhjZ9R75JP98VDUFgbh9y8sYr",
        "card_type": "VISA",
        "card_number": "411111******1111",
        "card_exp": "12\/2024",
        "card_issuer_name": "Bank of Somewhere",
        "card_issuer_country": "GB"
    "wallet": null,
    "is_async": 1,
    "is_cascade": 0,
    "cascade_level": 0,
    "reference_id": null,
    "withdrawal_request_id": null,
    "created_by": "INTERNET",
    "edited_by": "INTERNET",
    "status_code": "SC-002",
    "status_details": "Transaction approved"