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Webhooks Return

Upon successful deposit the customer sees the deposit summary page. After the deposit, the “Continue” button will be at the bottom of the summary page, by clicking on which the client will be redirected to the specified URL.

{danger.fa-exclamation} IMPORTANT #1: By default the return URL is accessed using HTTP POST method. If your callback is expecting to receive GET, please specify at least one querystring parameter. In case if no querystring parameters are required, you can still have any dummy parameter, for example, ?get=1.

{danger.fa-exclamation} IMPORTANT #2:In certain cases the customer will have an option to try again upon a decline with 'Try Again' button upon decline, and 'Make Another Payment' in case of success, which allows the customer to make another attempt within the same cahier session. This may cause the risk of the same order_id reuse. In order to avoid this risk, it is advised to:

  • use Validation
  • alternatively enable option to allow single attempt per order_id for your application.

{danger.fa-exclamation} IMPORTANT #3: return URL accessed method could be set up manually from Backoffice application settings. For security purpose signature and timestamp values can be sent with return url back to CRM (available only when method set up manually.) Basic signature algorithm can be found here

Available customer data conditions:

Condition Description Example
{{}} Unique customer id in your system{{}}
{{customer.first_name}} The name of the user who conducted the transaction{{customer.first_name}}
{{customer.last_name}} Last name of the user who conducted the transaction{{customer.last_name}}
{{customer.dob}} DOB of the user who conducted the transaction{{customer.dob}}

User data is taken from the data that is sent to us when initializing init methods (API 1.2).

Available transaction data conditions:

Condition Description Example
{{transaction.transaction_type}} Transaction Type. . Please refer to Transaction Object Definition specification for possible values.
{{transaction.transaction_status}} Current Transaction Status. Please refer to Transaction Flow specification for possible values.
{{transaction.transaction_id}} Transaction ID in your CRM
{{transaction.trace_id}} Transaction ID in our system
{{transaction.order_id}} A value referencing a unique order id within your shopping
cart system. This value will be referenced within the cashier
for payment attempts. (init-checkout, init-pay-out-order)
{{transaction.amount}} Amount of funds
{{transaction.currency}} Transaction currency
{{transaction.payment_method}} Payment Method Transactions (Visa, MasterCard, Skrill ...)
{{transaction.payment_processor}} Payment processor that processes the transaction
{{transaction.auth_token}} Token that you get when initializing init methods

You can also combine conditions.

HTTP POST Example:{{transaction.transaction_status}}/{{transaction.trace_id}}

HTTP GET Example:{{transaction.transaction_status}}&tid={{transaction.trace_id}}