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Update Subscription

PUT /api/v1.3/subscription/{subscriptionId} method is your endpoint to manage an existing customer's subscription. The Subscription ID should be sent as a part of the URL.


Name URL


✓ - required value
? - optional, value or null
✕ - always appears as null

Variable Type Description
merchant_id varchar(50) Merchant API client account identifier
application_key varchar(32) Identifier of your application (website)
subscription_status varchar(8) ? Status of subscription. List of possible statuses:
Active - customer subscription in active status.
Inactive - customer subscription inactive.
Expired - customer subscription expired.
Canceled - customer subscription removed.
payment_action varchar(32) ? Payment action. Possible values:
paid_manually - meaning the subscription was paid manually, payment will be scheduled for the next billing cycle
instant_payment - request an instant payment and start new billing cycle.
version varchar(4) API version. Default value - v1.3
timestamp int(11) Response time (unix timestamp, seconds)


Variable Type Description
status int API communication status -
- 0 if the request was successful
- Negative integer if internal server/network error occurs
- Positive integer if application/logical error occurs
description varchar(256) Accurate description of the result. Return the actual error for any exception as it helps to diagnose issues in production
subscription_id varchar(32) Subscription ID
cid varchar(32) Customer ID
subscription_status varchar(8) Status of subscription. List of possible statuses:
Active - customer subscription in active status.
Inactive - customer subscription inactive.
Expired - customer subscription expired.
Canceled - customer subscription removed.
version varchar(3) API version
timestamp int(11) Response time (unix timestamp, seconds)


To execute the request, it is necessary to undergo the authentication process. The general authentication algorithm can be found in the Authentication section.

Request signature parameters

  1. merchant_id
  2. application_key
  3. timestamp

Response signature parameters

  1. status
  2. timestamp



  "merchant_id": "API-Merchant",
  "application_key": "test-application",
  "subscription_status": "active",
  "payment_action": "paid_manually",
  "version": 1.3,
  "timestamp": 1680712861

Response (successful scenario)

  "status": 0,
  "description": "Customer subscription successfully updated",
  "subscription_id": "tvoS9vGKdDwfGLLvp0r8JJ5d",
  "cid": "user-1234",
  "subscription_status": "active",
  "version": 1.3,
  "timestamp": 1680712861

Response (unsuccessful scenario)

  "status": -1,
  "description": "Subscription with ID tvoS9vGKdDwfGLLvp0r8JJ5d for customer user-1234 not found",
  "version": 1.3,
  "timestamp": 1680712861