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Objects Transaction Attempt


✓ - required value
? - optional, value or null
✕ - always appears as null

Variable Type auth (card) sale (card) payout (card) refund (card) auth (ew) sale (ew) payout (ew) refund (ew) Description
intent varchar(16) Intended transaction type. Allowed values are:
authorization (authorization and capture)
payment (deposit)
withdrawal (payout)
currency varchar(3) Transaction currency
amount int(20) Transaction amount in cents.
Please note: for certain currencies (see full list here) there is a fraction other than 100 cents per unit, this is important if you multiply by 100 to send the amount in cents
conversion_rate varchar(30) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Conversion rate between currency and processed_currency applied during conversion from amont to processed_amount. Applies to successful transactions. The value is calculated as 1 processed_currency / 1 currency = conversion_rate
attempted_currency varchar(3) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Actual currency selected for processing
attempted_amount int(20) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Amount (in selected processing currency) in cents.
Please note: for certain currencies (see full list here) there is a fraction other than 100 cents per unit, this is important if you multiply by 100 to send the amount in cents
payment_method varchar(50) Payment method
card_data <Object> Card data object
wallet_data <Object> Wallet data object
withdrawal_request_id int(11) ? ? ? ? Original transaction identifier from . Use the trace_id of withdrawal request as withddrawal_request_id within the payout or refund if you want the payout amount to be deducted from withdrawal request as processed


    "intent": "payment",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": 100,
    "conversion_rate": "1.000000",
    "attempted_currency": "EUR",
    "attempted_amount": 100,
    "payment_method": "Credit Card",
    "card_data": {
        "card_number": "411111******1111",
        "card_exp": "12\/2024",
        "cvv": "***"
    "wallet_data": null,
    "withdrawal_request_id": null