Objects Session


IMPORTANT: The transaction and session amounts may change during processing. More information can be found here: Understanding Amounts

✓ - required value
? - optional, value or null
✕ - always appears as null

Variable Type authorization payment withdrawal Description
auth_token varchar(32) Session authentication token. In case of error will be null. The cashier session is live within 15 mins
intent varchar(32) Action to be taken within the cashier. Allowed values are:
- authorization for authorization (hold) for the following capture
- payment for payment transaction
- withdrawal for withdrawal request
session_status varchar(16) Session status will change along with processing. Possible values are:
- open - customer action expected
- action required - approval or processing by manager expected
- successful - closed with expected result
- failed - closed with decline (Direct API)
- expired - closed with intent not fulfilled (Cashier API)
order_id varchar(50) Transaction identifier in your system
currency varchar(3) Session currency
amount int(20) ? ? ? Amount in cents to be processed within the session, null if left for customer to decide within the Cashier.
Please note: for certain currencies (see full list here) there is a fraction other than 100 cents per unit, this is important if you multiply by 100 to send the amount in cents
conversion_rate decimal(16,6) ? ? ? Conversion rate between currency and processed_currency applied during conversion from amount to processed_amount. Applies to successful transactions. The value is calculated as 1 processed_currency / 1 currency = conversion_rate
processed_currency varchar(3) Actual currency processed
processed_amount int(20) Amount (in actual processing currency) in cents.
Please note: for certain currencies (see full list here) there is a fraction other than 100 cents per unit, this is important if you multiply by 100 to send the amount in cents
payment_method varchar(50) ? ? ? Predefined payment method. Appears as null if not specified while opening the session.
gateway varchar(32) ? ? ? Predefined processing gateway. Appears as null if not specified while opening the session.
cid varchar(50) Unique customer id in your system
variable1 varchar(256) ? ? ? Your custom field to tag the transaction with some necessary information
variable2 varchar(256) ? ? ? Your custom field to tag the transaction with some necessary information
variable3 varchar(256) ? ? ? Your custom field to tag the transaction with some necessary information that was sent to us in init request and we pass back in the notification. If gateway system name is enabled, it will be sent here with the priority (meaning any other value here will be dismissed) from us to CRM.


    "auth_token": "8a7sd87a8sd778ac961062c6bedddb8",
    "intent": "payment",
    "session_status": "open",
    "order_id": "test-1560610955",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": 100,
    "conversion_rate": 1.000000,
    "processed_currency": "EUR",
    "processed_amount": 100,
    "payment_method": "Credit Card",
    "gateway": null,
    "cid": "1",
    "variable1": "your variable",
    "variable2": "if that is not enough, you can pass even one more variable",
    "variable3": null